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Ripple Project kick-off: Revamping a detox room for CGL


Updated: Jan 30

Our latest "Ripple" Work Experience Project has just kicked off: 

Over the next 8 weeks, a team of our unemployed participants, under professional guidance, will transform a room at Change Grow Live (CGL) in Norwich into a friendly and appealing space. This will help CGL participants struggling with alcohol addiction to persist through their week-long detox retreats, which are spent exclusively in this room.

As always, our project will be provided entirely for free to the client, making ripple impact for another charity doing amazing work in our community. On the way, our team will gain valuable skills, confidence, work experience and useful connections that will help them move closer to work.

Clive Lewis MP has visited our team as they got started, and learnt about their career aspirations, and struggles in finding inclusive employment.

Time to roll up the sleeves.....we're looking forward to sharing the impacts and ripple impacts of this project in a few months!

The team - ready to tackle the challenge!                                                                                                         Photo credit: Hana Nomad
The team - ready to tackle the challenge! Photo credit: Hana Nomad

Clive Lewis MP visiting our project team...
Clive Lewis MP visiting our project team...
...and having a go himself.
...and having a go himself.

This project is kindly supported by Norfolk Community Foundation through their Love Norfolk fund.

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